digivision's documentary productions generate a huge amount
of information and content of great educational value that
cannot be assimilated in an audiovisual product.
To take advantage of this, digivision produces parallel
products including publications, e-books and
interactive applications.
Examples include
“The Visual Archaeological Guide to Tarraco”,
“The Visual Archaeological Guide to the Roman Villa
of La Llosa” and “The Costa Daurada Tourist Guide”.
digivision is currently migrating these
publications to iPad applications.
An iPad application is being developed for
each episode of the “Roman Engineering”
documentary series. The “Roman Engineering.
Aqueducts” application, corresponding to Episode 3
of the documentary series, is already nearing
completion and will soon be available for
purchase on iTunes.
of information and content of great educational value that
cannot be assimilated in an audiovisual product.
To take advantage of this, digivision produces parallel
products including publications, e-books and
interactive applications.
Examples include
“The Visual Archaeological Guide to Tarraco”,
“The Visual Archaeological Guide to the Roman Villa
of La Llosa” and “The Costa Daurada Tourist Guide”.
digivision is currently migrating these
publications to iPad applications.
An iPad application is being developed for
each episode of the “Roman Engineering”
documentary series. The “Roman Engineering.
Aqueducts” application, corresponding to Episode 3
of the documentary series, is already nearing
completion and will soon be available for
purchase on iTunes.
iPad Application
“Roman Engineering: Aqueducts”
“Roman Engineering: Aqueducts”